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Courage to dance with other women than my wife
Posted by CajunRon
9/18/2016  10:21:00 PM
My wife and I are into social ballroom dancing and I would classify us as "average to a little above average". I love dancing with her. I am so comfortable with her because when we mess up we just joke, laugh and go on...and she knows the "signals" I give. But I can't muster the courage to dance with other women. I've tried a few times but not knowing what steps they know, I end up just dancing the basic step over and over again. And almost always, they seem to want to engage in conversation while dancing. I have a real hard time concentrating on dancing, coming up with the next move and leading that move while trying to engage in conversation so I feel like I flub both the dance and the conversation.

Any advice?
Re: Courage to dance with other women than my wife
Posted by nloftofan1
9/19/2016  9:05:00 AM
When you always dance with the same partner, you learn to compensate for each other's mistakes. So there is a really good reason to dance with other partners (aside from the social aspect): it will improve your dancing. When you ask another lady to dance, have three dance figures in mind. If your new partner is struggling with the basic step, don't move beyond it. But otherwise, try one of the others. If she has trouble following, no big deal. The dance police are probably not there. And maybe you can see what she's having trouble with, and modify your lead. (But remember, you aren't there to teach.) Telling you not to panic, not to tighten up is likely to have the opposite effect. But if you mess something up, the sun will rise tomorrow.

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